Ok. I've received this new tag from my sis. But I decided to copy it from Kin's blog. I thought maybe it would be more fun to compare our answers. Ist it ok iu?
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
Ayu - Haziq & faris lah...
Kin - Nabhan
Afafita- My hubby, we were in the car, on the way home from my mother in law's house. we were talking about mat rempit. kutuk2 mat rempit that we happened to meet on the road.
2. What were you doing at 0800?
Ayu- Siapkan makanan utk huby kije ngan anak2 breakfast..
Kin - 0800 bila ni? kalau pagi ni, tengah cek emel :).
Afafita-if you mean today, well...tengah buat hantaran for my sis in law's majlis tunang. but usually at 8 a.m, I'm sitting on the sofa alone, menikmati the tranquility of my life after kecoh2 peak hour from 7-8, rushing the kids to school.
3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Ayu- chatting..ngan azraa..hihihi
Kin - buat burung kertas untuk Fawwaz :).
Afafita- Reading my blog and khairaummah site.
4. What happened to you in 2006?
Ayu - banyak.. yang besh..balik mesia.. p paris..p swiss....p italy & tempat2 len... sonot!!! hihihi..
Kin - Yang paling bermakna, Nabhan lahir ke dunia... :). pahtu, stat bercuti panjang ikut hasben dtg ireland ni ha...
Afafita- A lot of enjoyable events. Can't exactly remember. Dah lama sangatlah. why not asked about 2007 jer?
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Ayu - "Haziq!!!.. takmo baling bola atas mejaaaaaaaaaa......"
Kin - "Nabhan!!! jgn tutup piter ibuuuuu...." :).
Afafita- Bang, u boleh tolong bawak naik beg trolley grey kat tepi tangga when you come uptstairs? Don't forget tau! I dah naik nie...malas nak turun lagi....
6. How many beverages did you have today?
Ayu - 4 kali kot.. x ingat
Kin - 3-4 kali kot...
Afafita- bout 4 to 5...entahlah forgotlah.
7. What color is your hairbrush?
Ayu - takde hairbrush...(benda ape nie? huhuhu..)
Kin - cokelat.. :).
Afafita- emmm...brownlah
8.What was the last thing you paid for?
Ayu - sewa rumah..belanja kt pasaraya plus..
Kin - beli apple juice kat SPAR..
Afafita- Paid the toll LDP...(boring..tak habis2 toll)
9. Where were you last night?
Ayu - teratak yang bersepah2..hohoho..
Kin - rumah kak elly kat Ballyneety...mengeteh :).
Afafita- At my in-laws house...
10. What color is your front door?
Ayu - coklat2 gelap..
Kin - samala kaler pintu umah kita ayu..heeehehe..
Afafita- Mcm brown +red.....a mix of both colours.
11. Where do you keep your change?
Ayu - tabung.. seriusss...;p
Kin - atas meja kat bilik...
Afafita- In the small inner pocket in my handbag.
12. What's the weather like today?
Ayu - kejap mendung...kejap cerah.. malam..setiap masa sejukkkk...
Kin - ari ni tak nampak matahari, mendung jer...tp, tak hujan... snow tak de la plak... :).
Afafita- Very hot and sunny. Dahlah sibuk2 ada majlis...panasnya..
13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
Ayu - Coklat + strawbery.. yummy...
kin - coklat...
Afafita- I usually go for chocolate and blueberry
14. What excites you?
Ayu - travelling...heheeee
Kin - window shopping... :).
Afafita- Window shopping and balik kampung to my mom's house...
15. Do you want to cut your hair?Ayu - nope..
Kin - sometimes..
Afafita- when I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and thinking of having a new image.
16. Are you over the age of 25?
Ayu - baru je terkeluar...tapi still maintain.....;p
Kin - yer... sedar diri dah tua, dah lebih suku abad :).
Afafita- serba salah nak answer. actually dah, but...mcm still feeling young...hehhe
17. Do you talk a lot?
Ayu - nope..kot.. tp kadang2 banyak.. kadang2 pemalu sampai tak reti nak cakap per.. seriuss..!!.
Kin - Mmmm....i would say... tak banyak cakap kot... kadang2 terlebih cakap gak..eehhehe..**tazkirah ; "diam itu lebih baik dari bercakap perkara sia2" :).
Afafita- Depends on whom I talk to, and who involves in the conversation. If I'm among my siblings, I'm not likely can be described as a talkative person compared to them. but kalau dgn si ayu nie...memanglah banyak cakap. The conclusion is, I will talk more among the less talkative person, and on the contrary.
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
Ayu - No.. (benda per nih>?)
Kin - pebenda O.C nih?
Afafita- Sorry no idea what is it.
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
Ayu - Steven tak penah..seven or stephen kenal lah..haha...ha .. steve blue..haziq suka sgt2..
Kin - no
Afafita- Steven Segal tu boleh kira kawan i tak?
20. Do you make up your own words?
Ayu - mayb..no.. (tak paham solan..ehehe)
Kin - tak paham soalan gak...
Afafita- yes...of course bila bagi nama or petname for babies.
21. Are you a jealous person?
Ayu - tengok keadaan.. kadang2 jelous bangettt!!
Kin - mestilah jeles....tp bertempat la..
Afafita- the truth is...tak jealous sgt. Dalam bab nie, I tetiba jadi sensible and rational .....cos I believe in Allah's Will and takdir....
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
Ayu - ARIEF???..harharhar..Adibah...(kak adibah...;p).. kak azma eh.. azraa cork..akma sheffield...kak akma.. lagi.. Ayu??? namaku..ehehe.... ramai ah....
Kin - yg terlintas kat kepala sekarang.. AYU la!
Afafita- Akmaliza : my best friend (Ayu kira sedara, bukan kawan, so takleh masuk dlm list nie)
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
Ayu - K? em..sat2.. aa..emmm... ummm... Kamaliah? ehe.. K..em tak ramai... tak ingat...huhuhu
Kin - Khairiah...
Afafita- entahlah...nothing comes across my mind now.
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
Ayu - Entahlah.. budak jerman yg duk praktikal kat Mesia ritu... Dia speaking jemen.. tapi aku x tahu nak jawap per...hahahaha siannn dier..
Kin - 'abang'...
Afafita- Abang KM (my husband)
25. What does the last text message you received say?
Ayu - hepi belated birthday to haziq from achik tina.. kt kampung..;)
Kin - "pagi ni anak3 makan apa? nasi lemak ke?" :).
Afafita- Waslm. le patutlah xde org jwb taq kat blog, bkn smlm kate rini ke?ehe xpe...semoga segalanya brjln dgn lancar..kami doakan dr jauh..selamat bersiap..eh.. (from ayu)
26. Do you chew on your straw?
Ayu - Nope..
Kin - no..
Afafita- of course not.
27. Do you have curly hair?
Ayu - Yes..
Kin - no
Afafita- heheh...mine is rebonding type.
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
Ayu - insya allah... UK & Ireland.... yahoo!!...
Kin - tak tau lg, blum masuk dalam kalendar secara rasmi .. :).
Afafita- Most probably during the March school holiday, nak jalan2 kat terengganu and kelate pulak..ngan mak and abah....naik abah's new nissan grand livina insyaAllah...hehehe
29. Who's the rudest person in your life?
Ayu - em.. adela..
Kin - tak ingat dah sape...
Afafita- ada one person. She is a Muslim convert, org Sweden. My ex roomate time study Masters dulu. I tak tahan bila dia kutuk2 azan subuh, and dia kata bising jer azan subuh nie. and tak tahan bila dia started to questioning the fundamental teachings of Islam, as if she was not a muslim. I had a fierce fight with her cos she didn't show her respect towards Islam, the religion she converted to.
30. What was the last thing you ate?
Ayu - Laksa..kek..strawbery..fillet fish.. banyak....
Kin - jeput udang (@cekodok utk sapa2 yg tak tau jeput tu apa yer... :p)
Afafita- kek chocolate yg dihadiahkan oleh pihak lelaki kat majlis tunang tadi petang.
31. Will you get married in the future?
Ayu - Mane leh kawin reramai... bersyukur dengan apa yang ada..
Kin -jawapan masa umur 20tahun; yes, of course! :). jawapan masa sekarang; dah kawen la.... :).
Afafita- dah 2 anak pun...irrelevant question.
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
Ayu - Cite kelakar.. Upssss...
Kin - upin dan ipin :). (ni kira movie tak? hehhehe..)
Afafita- Ok, actually it's not a movie. It's a telemovie kat slot cerekarama @ TV3. Dono the title..but it's about appreciating your husband, and his way of showing off his love towards us. (memang terkenalah batang hidung that nite)
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
Ayu - ramai..kawan2 baru..
Kin - yes, there is...
Afafita- yeah...definitely
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Ayu - kul 5 ptg tadi..
Kin - kul 12pm tadi..
Afafita- last nite...cos this whole day kat in-law's house.
35. Are you currently depressed?
Ayu - yes
Kin - no
Afafita- Not really lah but sligthly. stress nak betulkan proposal, nak cari scope yg sesuai untuk my research nie, nak kemas bilik bebudak yg mcm titanic, nak kuruskan badan.....nak fikir nak mengundi ke time election nanti, nak kumpul duit nak gi jerman jumpa ayu..
36. Did you cry today?
Ayu- yes..
Kin - no
Afafita- I seldom cry...susah sgt nak tgk i nangis. (keras hati ker? taklah). time arwah nenek meninggal pun, I nangis sembunyi2.....
37. Why did you answer and post this?
Ayu - saje2.. takde kije..heh...
Kin - sebab Ayu yg suruh...hahhahhaa..
Afafita- Si ayu lah nie. Ikutkan hati tak kuasa....baik tidur or tengok tv...eheheh
38. Tag 3 people who would do this survey.
Afafita-takda ramai kawanlah...
Sorry For The Long Hiatus
Dearest lovely ladies, thank you so much for your generous prayers and best
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2 years ago
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