
Inconsolable: re-post

O Allah....
Grant me serenity
to pray for Your forgiveness

Grant me strength
to heal my broken heart

Grant me patience
to wait for Your guidance

Grant me courage
to speak out and stand for the truth

Grant me peace
to think of the best solution
Grant me 'Redha'
to open-heartedly accept my fate

O Allah...
Please don't leave your servant at the crossroads
Tearing apart between

Obedience and ambition

O Allah...
Please don't desert me in nowhere
In seeking for Your Satisfaction

In my effort to be the good wife of my husband

O Allah...Please don't discard me from Your Blessings
In this journey of life
Endeavoring hardships to reach Your Jannah

O Allah...
This pain inside is unbearable
This grief inside is inconsolable
This broken heart is incurable

But Allah...
I'm holding tighter to my faith
Steadfastly praying to change my fate

For I believe
In Your Mercy and Love
For I believe
In Your Grace and Care
To cure
This inconsolable heart

by ummu wafi dkm, 27 Ramadhan 1428

*Actually, this poem was written when I was being tested by Allah with the second biggest test in my life. I was so, very, down and frustrated at that moment. In fact, it took my more than three months to console my heart. Now, revisiting and re-reading the poem, I felt quite ashamed with Allah for my impatience and my distrust towards Him before.


Mimiamilia said...

kebetulan jiwa tengah bergolak masa baca entri ni. i rasa tenang jer bila dah habis baca..

Mama Mia said...

mimi. u know...time i buat poem yg tak seberapa nie...i mmg tgh down...but insyaallah if we believe in Hikmah Allah, everything will going to be allright.