
A new baby is born...

CONGRATULATIONS to my brother for his new born baby boy! seeing the little and cute creature of Allah reminds me of His Greatness. The baby, who weighs 3.27 kg was born on 28th may 2007 at 12.32 pm. May he will grow as a righteous person and be successful in this world and Hereafter. Amin....


iu rf said...

cutenye kak... tahniah utk family adik akak.. makin meriah la yer... seronoknyaaa... semoga membesar menjadi anak yang soleh spt sepupunya.. he he he

Anonymous said...

Hi Kak...

Cutenya anak Izzat..send my regards to him and his wife..and of course CONGRATULATION to them for their new born baby boy..
