Last week, Wafitos approached me one evening after school with a very "difficult" and "unthinkable" question.
"Mama, Allah is the one who created all human beings, right?" He asked me. "Definitely, nak. Every one in this world is created by Allah.", I replied, even though I was quite sure that his question was actually not a question. Rather, it was his style of fact confirmation.
"Mama....if Allah doesn't create people, what would Allah do? Would He create other kinds of people or creature? Would Allah still create this world? Or would Allah create other things?"
The moment Wafitos finished asking, I started to switch on the search engine in my head for a suitable answer. And surely, with this limited RAM and memory, I ended up with the "safe mode" answer, "Only Allah knows the answer, Chichi. We couldn't know what would happen".
Wafitos' face showed that he wasn't really satisfied with that answer. He still looked puzzled, hoping for more elaboration from his so-called 'educated' mother. I knew I had to do something. I felt guilty leaving him in unsolved curiosity. So, as usual, my last resort was the Papa.
"Bang, I ada satu soalan. Kalau u dapat jawab, u can become a mufti. Your son................". So, finally, Papa managed to give a satisfying elaboration and answer to this always-ask-weird-questions-boy.
However, the moment Papa held his breath after trying to convince Wafitos, he popped another question. "But why Allah named the first person He created Adam? Why not Muhammad or other names?" Well...does anyone out there can answer this question for my Chichi?
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