
My Scrumptious Specialty.....Tadaa....

Looks like my sis in Germany is putting her effort to enhance her cooking skill, hehehe. Oh, she posted al the recipes, and show off her yummy dishes. Well done anyway, sis! Keep up the good work! Hopefully, you'd become isteri cerdik dan solehah ...with all the yummy food you prepared for your family.

Well, I wouldn't just sitting still, paving her the ways to be better than me! (hehehe...the older sis must always be the better one, kan ayu?) So, I've decided to show my specialty in cooking......tadaa......

the scrumptious sotong masak hitam.

Ya Allah...so finger licking good. Trust me...it's really yummy, and most importantly, it's my late grandma's secret recipe. You can't get it anywhere else. So...all of the A.B clan (wherever they are) are addicted to this family-special-recipe-turun-temurun dish. Even Chichi and Afafita love it, and believe me, Afafita ate double the quantity of rice during lunch today, just because of this lauk sotong.

** close-up** tak sabar nak makan...

Hehehe...my mom and my brother will surely be surprised to know that I finally can cook this dish on my own (itu pun the rencah had been prepared by mudawati, my mom's maid)

** prepared on the dining table..**

The recipe? Mm......sorrylah. Since it's the turun -temurun recipe, it should remains as family secret recipe! Jangan marah yer.

So, jemputlah ke rumah if you want to taste this special yummy dish.


iu rf said...

emm.. menariknya sotong tu.. pernah makan dulu... memang beshh + sedapp.. good work!!!..hihi