Wafitos @ Chichi Watanabe is having his mid-year exam for the rest of the week. This time around, he seems not so worried of the exam. It's not that he's over-confident, but I think it's merely because he knows what to expect in the exam. That's why, Chichi is so lazy, and I have to constantly remind him and drag him to do his revision. Especially the Arabic Language and Pendidikan Agama Islam, the two subjects that he really needs a lot of revision sessions from Mama Mia.
Afafita, on the other hand, has become so obsessed with his ladybird series, the "Peter and Jane". She could read the books again and again in a day, just to spend her time and kill her kebosanan yg terlampau at home after school, since Mama Mia is not able to entertain her as before. Kesian betul afafita. She also loves to write cards for Mama Mia, almost everyday she will write a card for me.
The kids anticipated the Mothers' Day so much. The had been making cards for their beloved mother several days before the day. I'm so touched with their thoughts and love. I think it's the most fulfilling feeling a mother's could experience.
Here's the special card from Wafitos.
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