Last weekend...papa surprisingly bawa kami sekeluarga ke Science Center at Bukit Kiara. Sebenarnya dah lama teringin nak bawa the kids there, tapi mcm tak sempat dan selalu terlupa. Sebenarnya, Papa nak suh Mama mia berjalan2..exercise...di samping tu kira mcm a retreat for the kids selepas "penat" study for two weeks..with no TV, no outings, for their final year exam.
Science center ni mmglah best...though almost half of the exhibitions are far beyond the kids knowledge level. Tapi yg penting it's a good exposure for them. They had a lot a fun there..and Mama mia pun seronok..sebab dpt recall pelajaran2 sains tulen yg dipelajari zaman sekolah menengah dulu.
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