
Speed Reading

Speed Reading - The Technique to Increase Reading Speed And Understanding of Text

Speed Reading is a method of improving a reader's reading ability, improving both the speed at which a text can be assimilated, and the level of understanding of the material.

Today we are in the world of information explosion and information overload. There are so much information for both adults and children to read.

Often we hear adults and students complain that they do not enough time to finish reading what they need to read in their work or preparation for their test and examination

Reading is one of the most essential skills to help us acquire knowledge. Hence it is important and necessary for everyone, including our children to acquire the ability to read.

We need to be able to scan and filter information and facts that are useful from those that are unimportant or useless. And we must do it in the most effective way and within the shortest possible time.

Speed Reading helps your children to read and understand text more quickly. It is an essential skill in any environment where you have to master large volumes of information quickly, especially in today information society.

The Key Insight To Speed Read

The most important trick about speed reading is to know what information you want from a document before you start reading it.

If you only want an outline of the issue that the document discusses, then you can skim the document very quickly and extract only the essential facts. However, if you need to understand the real detail of the document, then you need to read it slowly enough to fully understand it.

You will get the greatest time savings from speed reading by learning to skim excessively detailed documents.

How A Skilled Reader Read

A fluent speed reader read many words in each block. He will only stay on each block for an instant, and will then move on. Only rarely will the reader's eyes skip back to a previous block of words. This reduces the amount of work that the reader's eyes have to do. It also increases the volume of information that can be examined in a given time.

How A Poor Reader Read

A poor reader often get held up by spending a lot of time reading small blocks of words. He also skip back often, losing the flow and structure of the text and overall understanding of the subject. This irregular eye movement will make reading tiring. Poor readers tend to dislike reading, and may find it harder to concentrate and understand written information.

By speed reading you can read information more quickly. You may also get a better understanding of it as you will hold more of it in short term memory.

To improve the speed of your reading, read more words in each block and reduce the length of time spent reading each block. Use a pointer to smooth the way your eyes move and reduce skip-back.

Teladan Pemuda al-Kahfi

Kuliah Tafsir Maudhu'iy
Dato' Dr. Siddiq Fadzil, Kolej Dar al-Hikmah.
"Kami ceritakan kisah mereka kepadamu (Muhammad) dengan sebenarnya. Sesungguhnya mereka itu adalah pemuda-pemuda yang beriman kepada Tuhan mereka dan Kami tambahkan kepada mereka petunjuk."
Dan Kami telah meneguhkan hati mereka ketika mereka berdiri lalu mereka berkata, “Tuhan kami adalah Tuhan langit dan bumi; kami sekali-kali tidak menyeru Tuhan selain Dia. Sesungguhnya kami kalau demikian telah mengucapkan perkataan yang amat jauh dari kebenaran. Kaum kami telah menjadikan selain Dia tuhan-tuhan (untuk disembah). Mengapa mereka tidak mengemukakan alasan yang terang (tentang kepercayaan mereka?) Siapakah yang lebih zalim daripada orang-orang yang mengada-adakan kebohongan terhadap Allah?

Pemuda Kahfi adalah sekumpulan pelaku sejarah yang mengabadikan keunggulan iman, kecerdasan akal, keberanian bersikap dan bertindak Mereka bangkit melepaskan diri daripada belenggu budaya dan tradisi pembodohan: penguatkuasaan dan pemaksaan amalan menyembah berhala, budaya warisan yang dipertahankan dengan setia tanpa dipersoalkan rasionalitinya, tanpa dipertanyakan kerelevanannya.
Fitrah insani yang masih dimiliki tujuh pemuda Kahfi itu tidak dapat menerima agama dan budaya yang tidak serasi dengan kesejatian sifat keinsanan yang memang tercipta dalam acuan tauhidik - kecenderungan fitri kepada penyembahan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Maha Berkuasa dan Maha Sempurna. Akal sihat pemuda Kahfi tidak dapat menerima faham yang tidak rasional. Kemampuan dan keberanian berfikir kritis-evaluatif telah menghasilkan keberanian bersikap - menolak kesesatan yang telah begitu lama membudaya dan mencari alternatif yang benar dan meyakinkan.

• Fitrah insani yang masih dimiliki tujuh pemuda Kahfi itu tidak dapat menerima agama dan budaya yang tidak serasi dengan kesejatian sifat keinsanan yang memang tercipta dalam acuan tauhidik - kecenderungan fitri kepada penyembahan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Maha Berkuasa dan Maha Sempurna.

• Akal sihat pemuda Kahfi tidak dapat menerima faham yang tidak rasional. Kemampuan dan keberanian berfikir kritis-evaluatif telah menghasilkan keberanian bersikap - menolak kesesatan yang telah begitu lama membudaya dan mencari alternatif yang benar dan meyakinkan.

• Ketulusan mencari kebenaran mendapat perhatian dari langit. Pemuda Kahfi mengalami pencerahan hidayah, lalu menemukan hakikat tauhid, Tuhan yang hakiki hanyalah Allah, satu-satunya Pencipta, Pemilik dan Penguasa langit dan bumi seisinya.

• Kebenaran adalah kurnia istimewa yang paling berharga dan membanggakan. Pemuda Kahfi membuat deklarasi tauhid, suatu keberanian yang tercetus dari kekentalan iman dan kebanggaan memilikinya. Motifnya bukan sekadar ingin membuat kejutan atau bangga dengan sikap berani berbeza, tetapi secara tidak langsung menyedarkan masyarakat agar berfikir, mengaktifkan akal sihat yang selama ini beku terbelenggu dalam budaya “dikir barat” - sebut apa sahaja yang disebut oleh “tukang karut” termasuk segala karut dan carutnya. Memang deklarasi tersebut cukup menggemparkan. Mungkin kejutan seperti itulah yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat yang telah lama kehilangan daya fikir dan kematian idealisme untuk membangkitkan akal yang tidur dan menghidupkan hati yang mati.

• Deklarasi tauhid pemuda Kahfi segera dirasakan sebagai gugatan terhadap kemapanan dan kestabilan serta ancaman terhadap pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Raja yang selama ini ikut di”berhala”kan bertindak memberikan kata dua: rujuk ke tradisi datuk nenek, atau hadapi tindakan brutal pihak penguasa.

Berani bersikap, harus berani menghadapi risikonya. Demikianlah iman tulen pemuda Kahfi yang mendapat pengakuan dari langit,”…sesungguhnya mereka adalah pemuda-pemuda yang beriman dengan Tuhan mereka, dan Kami tambahkan petunjuk buat mereka.” Pengakuan Ilahi tersebut sekaligus mengungkapkan hakikat hubungan erat iman dengan petunjuk; semakin menguatnya iman, semakin bertambah kebenaran yang menyerlah, termasuk petunjuk Ilahi tentang bagaimana mengurus diri di tengah kemelut pertentangan yang mereka alami.

• Demi iman dan kebenaran, pemuda Kahfi bersumpah setia mempertahankan pendirian tauhidik dan berusaha menghindari tindakan teror penguasa dengan bersembunyi di gua. Mereka menghilangkan diri, tetapi deklarasi tauhid mereka tidak ikut menghilang. Deklarasi keramat itu tinggal di tengah umat sebagai benih kesedaran.

• Di tengah ribut memburu dan mengesan jejak pemuda Kahfi, mereka damai dalam limpahan rahmat Allah. Gua gelita yang sempit dan kasar - berkat taburan rahmat - terasa bagaikan kamar nyaman sehingga mereka tertidur nyenyak selama tempoh yang cukup lama. Sementara itu masyarakat telah berubah. Benih iman dan akal rasional yang mereka tinggalkan telah hidup subur dan tersebar luas meliputi seluruh strata: raja dan massa. Ketika itulah mereka sedar, lalu menyaksikan perubahan dan merasakan penghormatan umat generasi baru yang tahu menilai kebenaran, kerasionalan dan keberanian bersikap benar.

A tribute to fathers...

Five things you can do for your father

(from don't be sad blog)

“A gesture of appreciation of what a father does for his children is worth a million words”

When was the last time you did something for your father? Our fathers work hard to make many things possible for us. The following are a few ideas on how best to show appreciation.

1. Share time with your father…

A father may not be as involved in our lives as our mother, but he does love to hear and speak from you. Indulged in our individual lives and we forget to share time together. Try weekly, say every weekend, to get together. Don’t forget the precious advice that a parent can offer for life ahead and how sharing such things strengthens the bond with your father.

2. Take responsibility from your father…

From the day you entered this world, he toiled whole day long, at the price of his peace and rest only so he could provide for you. We all have enjoyed many things from our fathers, not realising and seeing the sacrifices behind those things. Take this responsibility from him as soon as you can allowing him to rest to give him a chance to do those things he always wanted to.

3. Give your father a little break…

Take over your father’s to-do list once in a while, monthly perhaps. Surprise him by finishing his chores like tiding the lawn, mowing the grass, cleaning the garage, washing his car or any other chore that he usually takes care of. What father wouldn’t appreciate his workload being reduced?

4. If your father is elderly…

Remember to respect, be patient and no matter how differently you feel with your father and try not to express your discontent.

5. If your father is no longer alive….

Perform good deeds in his name like contributing to continuous charity which will benefit him even though he is no longer around and maintain ties with his relatives and friends.

What other kind things do you do for your father?

Allah's promise..

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said...

If you remember Me,

I will remember you,

so be grateful to Me

and be not nonbelievers.


Minyak naik lagi...

Petrol dan diesel akan dinaikkan lagi....!!

Nampaknya...inflasi akan bertambah....

Semua barang dan perkhidmatan juga akan naik harga...

What They Don’t Tell You about Labor & Delivery

10 Things Every Mom-to-Be Should Know.

You’ve read all the books, attended childbirth classes, subscribed to the magazines and talked to your friends and family about their experiences. The thing is, no one tells you what you really need to know. For instance, everyone’s experience is different! So don’t let that lady in the grocery store telling you her horror stories freak you out. In the same vein, you’ll be able to pull some useful information from the following list, but not everything will apply to your situation. Just take some of those deep, diaphragmatic breaths and read on!

1. It’s messy, messy, messy! Do you envision the birth of your child just like it happens on TV? Wearing full makeup, you’ll do a lot of huffing and puffing, maybe say something nasty to your husband, and out pops your baby. Guess again. I’ll spare you by not going into too much detail, but imagine fluids exploding from every orifice of your body at the same time!

2. Don’t wear your own nightgown. How many articles advise you to wear your own nightshirt? Some childbirth instructors stress this as one of the most important aspects of the birthing experience: “You shouldn’t feel like property of the hospital,” they say. See #1 above! Hopefully the nurse on duty will persuade you to wear a hospital gown. Although not glamorous, at least it’s soft and practical.

3. Consider having more than one support person. Some people won’t feel comfortable with this option, but it worked great for certain moms.

4. You’ll know when it starts! Trying to figure out when labor actually started was the hardest thing about being a first-time mom. I had no idea how I was supposed to know if this was the “real” thing or only Braxton-Hicks contractions. Guess what? You’ll know! It will hurt more and the contractions will come at regular intervals for a longer period of time.

5. Don’t bring flowers, bring food! After living on ice chips and slushies for almost 36 hours and feeling like I’d run a marathon, all I wanted was food. Hospital food didn’t cut it either! . In my foggy state, it took me two meals to figure this out and by then I was almost checked out of the hospital. My sister-in-law was a lifesaver when she thought to bring me a steaming-hot chicken pot pie, plate of mashed potatoes and berry cobbler from my favorite restaurant. My hero!

6. Rules for baby – wash your hands and no kissing! It’s probably one of the hardest things to ask of your family members, but it will save you the ordeal of a sick baby.

7. Have someone at home to do chores. Even if you can’t stand your mother-in-law, if she’s the only one available to do the housework, laundry and cooking while you learn the ropes of parenthood – take advantage of her offer. If you don’t have a family member to count on, it’s worth shelling out some cash to have someone come to your home for the waking hours of the first week. You’ll need the time to adjust to your baby’s schedule.

8. Keep a journal from Day One. Even if you’re not a writer, just scribble down a few thoughts every day. The world will seem so upside-down, you can’t remember your name. You’ll want to remember some of the cute little things that happen. I think I treasure my journal more than the baby book or photo albums. It holds memories that would be quickly forgotten had I not recorded them in a journal.

9. Beginning breastfeeding hurts, but it’s worth it. Nobody told me that! I just thought I’d be a human bottle. My breasts hold the milk and the baby drinks it. Well, it’s not quite that simple. You will feel sore and swollen for the first few weeks. Lanolin on your nipples will be the only thing that gets you through it. You will get into a rhythm eventually, but you’ll still have to deal with leaking and other wonders of breastfeeding. Just wait until the baby gets teeth! Remember, you’re burning a ton of extra calories and your baby is benefiting immensely from every drop he drinks.

10. You’re doing everything right. There are very few wrong ways to parent in the days after you bring your baby home. Of course, everyone will have advice, but you will know your baby better than anyone. Let him set his schedule and take some time to cue into his natural rhythms. Don’t stress, just let it all happen.


Planning untuk balik kampung ni actually dah lama. Inilah saat yg ditunggu2, oleh semuanya. Mama mia, Afafita and Wafitos. (and the unborn baby too, of course). So, when Papa had to go to Egypt for a week for his work tour, we were so excited. This is the time, the perfect time for the rest of us to spend a long holiday at our kampung during the school holiday, without feeling guilty of leaving Papa alone at home. So, apa lagi..Mama mia really encouraged Papa to go outstation, convincing him that this work tour is so important (as if he didn't know) and he shouldn't be worried about us..... (bersungguh-sungguh menghasut suami suh gi belayar)

So, dipendekkan cerita, here we are...at my parents house with the kids. As a matter of fact, we have been here for almost a week. We have spend great, enjoyable moments here for almost a week. Banyak activities yang dibuat di sini: bertukar-tukar cerita, bergossip (oppss...), usik-mengusik antara adik-beradik, bermain dengan Iffato (my nephew), gi shopping kat my fave shopping mall, and the best part is......menambahkan berat badan dengan masakan my mom yg diidamkan selama hampir dua bulan lamanya.

Kebetulan pulak, two days before we went back to kampung, the gynae told me that I really have to put on some weight, so that I could have more energy. So..apa lagi, pucuk dicita, ulam mendatang...that gynae's suggestion was really a very sound reason for me to eat, eat, and eat......heheh.

Afafita pun dah bertambah bulat. Kebetulan, last week, dia merana seminggu tak makan cos sakit tekak, biasalah...very bad tonsilitis. So, at my parents house...dia balas dendam seminggu dengan makan sepuas-puasnya. Alhamdulillah, all my fave food yg diidamkan selama dua bulan nie dapat dimakan...laksa johor, mee rebus johor, ikan siakap panggang, karipap, nasi ayam my mom's version, bihun goreng putih...etc.


Selama seminggu ni jugak jadi nanny Iffato. The kids betul2 melepaskan rindu dengan cousin mereka yg satu nie... kebetulan pulak si Iffato nie dah nak masuk 12months...memang tgh sedap dibuat main, so active.....

What I most missed about living in my parents house besides the food is the fresh, cool air. Udara di sini mmg superb...mungkin disebabkan rumah nie atas bukit, dan ada banyak pokok2...tidur mlm pun tak payah pakai kipas. Dahlah tak perlu kipas, kena pakai selimut lagi. Rasa mcm kat Bandung, Indonesia or kat Cameron Highland jer. Udara yg nyaman and segar nie..memang sesuai untuk berehat dan release tension.

Lagi 2, 3 days..kena balik semula ke rumah sendiri. Ya Allah..malasnya...tapi apa nak buat, hubby pun nak balik dari Egypt. Dah terbayang kebosanan yg menanti...isy...tak baik pulak fikir mcm tu. I hate to admit it, but I really think I tak berapa serasi dok kat kawasan rumah i sekarang nie. Entahlah....I prefer duduk kat tempat lama....

Anyway...life must go on....semoga selepas recharge 'battery' kat kampung nie, Mama mia and the kids akan bersemangat untuk menjalani hari-hari mendatang di rumah sendiri selepas ni...walaupun kita tau...kalau diberi pilihan kita semua nak terus stay kat kampung mcm dulu....

Things in your life

” In life, only take the things you need, not the things you want”.

When I first came across this nice wordings, I started to think of my own life and journey in this world. The first question that boggles my mind until now is 'Do I really have with me all the things that I really need and should have?'.

But of course, that initial question has potentially grown and extended to a list of more complex questions that forced myself to ponder upon all the things that I posses and to contemplate on my own lifestyle. Unfortunately, the list of questions and the sincere answers of them eventually lead me to a very scary and terrifying conclusion: I did bring along with me the unnecessary things in my life...and I did take the unnecessary things that I wanted in my life!!

Ya Rabbi...how could I be so blind all this time? How much had I wasted my time, energy and money on things that I actually don't really need? I never realized then that almost 50% of all the things that I have until now are as a matter of fact don't fall in the category of 'hajiyyaat' and 'dharuriyyaat'. And almost 20% of all my possessions can be categorized as the 'tahsiniyyat'. This striking fact indicates that most of the things that I have are based on 'I want', not 'I need'.

I know that I must do something to stop having the unnecessary things in my life, the things that surely cannot bring any benefit to my iman to Allah. And the solution is undeniably the concept of 'qana'ah', as practiced by Rasulullah and His Companions. However, it's easier to say than to practice it. But this shouldn't be an excuse for not trying to start practicing it gradually in my life, right?