
Mia Fichita @ 4 months 4 weeks

Hearing your baby laugh is not only a joy — it's a sign that your baby is developing emotionally and socially. Have fun triggering a giggle by gently tickling those toes or thighs. Or develop a pint-size comedy routine by making exaggerated facial expressions and funny animal sounds, snorts, and whistles. Don't be surprised if your baby joins in with an ecstatic squeal that might catch your attention and make you laugh back.

Following a well-established nighttime routine, which might include a bath or a bedtime story, may help settle your baby to sleep. It's a good idea to consistently "sequence" your baby toward slumber, as in this example: Feed her, give her a bath, put her in pajamas, read her a book, sing a lullaby or play some music, and then put her down.

A beloved routine gives you and your baby plenty of time to connect and wind down. You may decide to alternate going-to-bed activities with your partner (you do the bath, he reads the story, and so on). Or, to give both of you a regular break, try taking turns, with one person responsible for putting your baby to bed each night.


Ummu Mishkah said...

ketawa mereka menghiburkan!!!